Save the date for Crathorne Hall Hotel’s Wedding Open Days.

We believe the best way to appreciate our stunning venue is to experience it firsthand. That’s why we host a series of showcases throughout the year, giving you the opportunity to visit with your partner or family and start envisioning how magical your big day will be at Crathorne Hall.

Nestled on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors, Crathorne Hall offers breathtaking views over the Leven Valley, providing a spectacular backdrop for your wedding day. Join us at one of our showcase events to explore our event spaces dressed for a wedding. You’ll also meet our dedicated team and a handpicked selection of suppliers, all ready to inspire you with ideas for your special day.

It’s free to attend, and no need to register – just come along.

Forthcoming Dates:

  • Sunday 26th January, 12pm to 2pm
    Sunday 23rd March, 12pm to 2pm

If you are unable to attend an event, you can book a private showround with one of our team members at a time that suits you.

Book a showround
