A Culinary Journey with Dion-Wyn Jones, Executive Head Chef at Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa

At the heart of Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa lies not only its grand Georgian architecture but a culinary experience led by the remarkable Executive Head Chef, Dion-Wyn Jones. We recently sat down with Dion to delve into his passion for cooking, his inspirations, and what’s next for the restaurant.

How did your passion for being a chef begin?
Dion: My passion started early on, inspired by my mum, who was a chef herself. I was always in the kitchen as a child, learning to cook simple meals like breakfast and sausage butties. My formal journey began when I attended catering college in Bangor. During my placements at the University Arms in Cambridge, I realised that big-city life wasn't for me—I'm from a small village in Wales, and I craved something more intimate and local. So, when I went back to college to complete my Level 3 qualification and began working in a restaurant in Anglesey during weekends. That’s where my love for creating great dishes truly blossomed.

How long have you worked at Rookery Hall?
Dion: It's been about three years now, and what a journey it’s been! When I first joined, the hotel held 1 AA Rosette, and I was driven to push for more. After our assessment, we listened closely to the inspector's feedback, making improvements and taking every suggestion on board. The result? We’ve just secured our third rosette, which has been a tremendous achievement for the whole team.

Where does your inspiration come from?
Dion: My inspiration is rooted in my Welsh heritage, particularly when it comes to lamb. I’m passionate about showcasing the finest cuts of meat, especially those that reflect the seasons. We work closely with local suppliers and always prioritise sustainability. Changing the cut of meat with the seasons adds freshness and keeps the menu exciting. I love crafting dishes that not only taste incredible but tell a story about the ingredients and the local community.

How does your team get involved in menu development?
Dion: My team plays a huge role in creating new dishes. We have an open and collaborative process where everyone contributes ideas. Any new concept gets presented to the General Manager and myself for final approval. This way, we ensure every dish aligns with the restaurant’s standards while allowing for creativity and innovation from the whole kitchen team.

What’s your favourite dish?
Dion: One of my absolute favourites is our chicken dish. We use Creedy Carver chickens, which are renowned for their quality. What I love most is the versatility of the chicken—we use the whole bird for various dishes, so nothing goes to waste, and every part is treated with respect.

What are your proudest achievements?
Dion: I've had the honour of being a finalist in the Roux Family Scholarship, which was a significant moment for me. But one of my proudest achievements was winning the Escoffier in 2013, becoming the first British chef to do so. It was a milestone that validated all the hard work and passion I’ve put into my career.

What’s next for you and the restaurant at Rookery Hall?
Dion: We’ve just achieved our third rosette, and the goal now is to push even further. My next big aspiration is to be featured in the Michelin Guide, which would be a dream come true for the team and me. We've worked incredibly hard to reach this point, and I’m confident that, with continued dedication, we’ll achieve even more in the future.

Final Thoughts
Dion-Wyn Jones’ passion for local ingredients, sustainable practices, and innovative dishes has transformed the dining experience at Rookery Hall Hotel & Spa. With ambitions for a Michelin Guide listing and continued growth, this talented chef and his team are set to take the restaurant to even greater heights.
If you're planning a visit, don’t miss out on the chance to experience Dion’s exquisite creations—a true taste of his Welsh roots and culinary expertise.