Hand Picked Hotels Sustainability Partnerships

Across our family of Hand Picked Hotels, we strive to support local businesses by sourcing food and drink from regional suppliers and artisans whenever possible.

All our Fresh Tea is Sourced from Camellia’s Tea House.

Camellia’s Tea House audit its suppliers every two years to ensure farmers and workers have decent working conditions and comply with local laws on employment. They check that sustainable farming methods are implemented and source teas from gardens accredited by organisations like the Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, and Ethical Tea Partnership. Where possible, they source Fair Trade teas to ensure small-scale producers and cooperatives receive fair terms of trade.

Noble Isle Bathroom Products

We work with Noble Isle across a selection of our properties, chosen for their high-quality natural ingredients and natural extracts sourced from celebrated producers. All their products are vegan-friendly, cruelty-free and made in the UK in recyclable packaging. Noble Isle also use 50% recycled plastic and sustainable glass bottles. They have eliminated plastic from their hotel accessories and work with the Clean Conscience charity to ensure any excess hotel stock is re-distributed to those in need.

Peak & Wild Freshly Roasted, Climate Positive Coffee by Matthew Algie

Peak & Wild coffee is much more than a delicious, ethically sourced coffee. Peak & Wild is a climate-positive coffee, Rainforest Alliance certified, and will support the restoration of 1,000 hectares of Scotland’s rainforest. They are also helping 2,500 young people achieve their John Muir Award over three years.

Water at Work with Belu

We work with Belu Water to bring our guests chilled still and sparkling filtered water of the purest quality using refillable, reusable bottles.   Belu is a social enterprise that has donated £5.8m to Water Aid since 2011. They invest their profit into reducing carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, supporting water stewardship projects and working towards a circular economy in their pursuit to bring clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to everyone everywhere.

Seafood Sustainability

The sourcing of fish responsibly is paramount to our business. We work closely with our fish and seafood suppliers who promote the use of MSC sustainable alternatives, so we are not using endangered fish on our menus.

